Monday, September 12, 2011

Disguised Literary Classics - with pictures!

The Picture Books:
Saint George and the Dragon1.  Saint George and the Dragon, retold by Margaret Hodges, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
A retelling of Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene, this book really helped when I finally sat down to read the original.  Granted, convincing Dr. M. that I really had read it as a child was a bit on the difficult side!

Gilgamesh the King (The Gilgamesh Trilogy)2.  Gilgamesh The King, retold and illustrated by Ludmila Zeman
A retelling of Gilgamesh, and apparently one of a series.

Merlin and the Dragons (Picture Puffins)
3.  Merlin and the Dragons, by Jane Yolen, illustrated by Li Ming
A King Arthur story, Jane Yolen has (again) created a new story that feels like an old one we should have known. 

Canterbury Tales4.  Canterbury Tales, selected, translated, and adapted by Barbara Cohen, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
A retelling of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, in clear but poetic language, and beautifully illustrated.  I think she's also published some posters of individual characters, taken from this book.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner5.  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, illustrations by Gustave Dore, editor Anne Rooney
A picture book version of this famous narrative poem, the illustrations are just gorgeous, and quite helpful in providing context. 

Childrens Classic Poetry6.  The Children's Classic Poetry Collection, compiled by Nicola Baxter, illustrated by Cathie Shuttleworth
It may look like a picture book, but it reads like a Norton!

The Novels:
The Sea of Trolls (Sea of Trolls Trilogy)7.  The Sea of Trolls, by Nancy Farmer
What happens after Beowulf?

The Eyre Affair: A Thursday Next Novel (Thursday Next Novels (Penguin Books))
8.  The Eyre Affaire, by Jasper Fforde
*Wicked giggles*  When you take getting lost in a book to the next level . . .

The Firebrand
9.   Firebrand, by Marion Zimmer Bradley
This is the retelling of the fall of Troy that brought it to life for me - told from Kassandra's viewpoint.

Goddess of Yesterday10.  Goddess of Yesterday: A Tale of Troy, by Caroline Cooney
Another story of Troy, this one from a different viewpoint.

1 comment:

  1. It's ironic that one of these books is the Canterbury Tales, which we're currently reading in school!

