2. Mo Willems: I Am Going!
Yes, perhaps it's a bit weird to read this one out loud to your husband in the bookstore while giggling uncontrollably, but with a Mo Willems book, it's not uncommon. (At least in my household!)
3. Rachel Isadora: Max
Written by a ballerina, this childhood favorite features a boy who loves baseball and learns that his sister's ballet class offers him skills that help him on the field.
4. Martha Alexander: Blackboard Bear
Another childhood favorite of mine, this nearly wordless series of books is just delightful.
5. Paul Stickland: Ten Terrible Dinosaurs
The wonderful rhythm, and cheerful nature of this book just make me giggle.
This may work better with adults -- I've not tried reading it to a child yet -- but I thoroughly enjoyed the wit and the language of the book.

7. Michelle Knudsen, illustrated by Kevin Hawkes: Library Lion
Friendship, love, books, and a lion who likes to listen during storytime. This book would be a great basis for discussing when rules should be broken.
8. Charles Tazewell, ill. Gail Tribble: The Littlest Uninvited One
This is an ideal book for anyone who has lost a dog. I gave a copy to my church when Ducinea died, as this was the only book that I felt offered me true comfort.
9. George & Ira Gershwin, DuBose & Dorothy Heyward, ill. Mike Wimmer: Summertime: from Porgy & Bess
If you like the song, you'll love this book - simple as that.
10. Helen Lester, ill. Lynn Munsinger: Score One for the Sloths
Really? A picture book that takes aim at the insanity of judging an education by test scores? Really? A picture book that could start a discussion of different modes of learning? YES! Even better? It's a snort-embarrasingly-while-snickering wild good read!
Focus for this list:
These are some of my favorite picture books, and yet, they're all a bit -- odd. There's not much of a unifying theme to the list other than that fact. Enjoy! Also, because picture books are such a blend of image and word, it seemed a shame not to show you the covers. Let me know if this is helpful, eh? Thanks!
Two wordless picture books that I adore are "Tuesday" by David Weisner and "The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher" by Molly Bang.
ReplyDeleteThey're great with kids (I was introduced to the second one by my then three year old niece). You can make the story take as long or as short as you like. And they can "read" them alone, too! But I have copies that are mine, all mine.
- Barbie